Trans Canada Guppy Group Competition

The Trans Canada Guppy Group is a registered international club with IKGH. With members across the country, it makes up for one of the largest fish clubs in Canada. Specializing in breeding and showing extremely high-quality strains of show guppies.
TCGG shows are not like any other fish show, judges are brought in from all over the world, and there is an emphasis put on the highly specific rules with which the fish are not only bred under but shown under as well! An international observer ensures these rules are followed regarding the tanks and water conditions, guaranteeing that the tanks are between 10-12 litres of

guppy specific conditioned water.

All show fish must be born and raised by the show entrant and that person must be a paid member of an IKGH club
– go to or send an email to
[email protected] if you wish to join!

There is no entry fee for the competition, however the fish become property of the club at the end of the show and are available for adoption on the last day of the show, which is open to the public.

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